
District Profile


Population(Census 2011)  Total  Person  1666886
 Male  883786
 Female  783100
 Rural  Person  1579727
 Male  837281
 Female  742246
 Urban  Person  87159
 Male  46505
 Female  40654
Sex ratio (Number of females per 1000 males) 886
Literacy Rate(Census 2011) Total Person 57.92
Male 65.25
Female 49.56
Area in Sq. Km 1486
No. of Subdivisions 2
No. of Blocks/Circle 7
No. of Villages 129
Zila Parishad 01
Nagar Parishad 01
Nagar Panchayat 01
Police Stations(Thana) 11
Primary Health Centre 07
Other Primary Health Centre 24
No. of Primary Schools 544
No. of Middle Schools 517
Revenue Village 306
No. of Halka 61
No. of Ward 1859
No. of Muhalla 1737
Higher Secondary Schools 41
Colleges 10